The ISLAND (French: L´ile) Roadmap 3.0 — 3´22
🤟 UPDATED: We have published our Roadmap 4.0 with specific dates and what will happen on those days, starting from 1 May already here:
👍 You can for sure, still, read this article for a deeper and detailed view on what we have done and for more information about The ISLAND itself, too 👇
The ISLAND is the 1st Multichain NFT Games and dAPPs HUB on blockchain with its own native Cryptocurreny: $ISLAND
$ISLAND — L’ile / LILE TOKEN (ISLAND) is the Official Cryptocurrency and Governance Token of The ISLAND — Presale is soon.
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Grab Your NFT Unicorns From UNICORNIA
These Unicorns are your Avatar & Key to The ISLAND
UNICORNS will be the key and users´ avatar for accessing The ISLAND, they’ll also be “Stakeable”, which means they provide you with the ability to earn a percentage of the whole ecosystem’s revenues.
In addition UNICORNIA Cards (UNICORNs) will get shares from Marketplace revenues and other parts of The ISLAND (like from Mercatus.DAO)
Bring your Unicorns and get ready for the battle of your lifetime!
First, we’ll head to The BLACK FOREST, there you will meet rivals as well as magical and epic creatures.
Participate in the building of a SPACE TECH Center — Get your own unique Spacecraft!
Mint your own Spacecraft NFT in the Space Tech Center of The ISLAND |
More information:
Get ready for ALICE !— 17 May 2022
All hand-drawn Original Artwork with hundreds of traits, and never before seen card aspects. These cards will be revolutionary! Not to mention, they are Super Rare and Exclusive with many surprises such as faces you may recognize. These cards and much more, are only available on The ISLAND.
Check our ROADMAP 4.0 also for ALICE here!
Trade your Cards: UNICORNIA, Spacecrafts, ALICE, and other Booster Cards and Partner NFT Collections on The ISLAND´s EXCLUSIVE MARKETPLACE: MERCATUS
MERCATUS is a “Decentralized Autonomous Organization”, an Exclusive Marketplace for THE ISLAND, on The ISLAND.
Updated Roadmap information for him with specific dates:
More on him on his own website:
Under the Dark Sun is already here:
Check more on its own website:
Updated information is on Roadmap 4.0 of The ISLAND
All and more coming from, as parts and also partners from The ISLAND for the good of L´ile / $ISLAND
You can also trade other Cryptocurrencies on The ISLAND´s EXCHANGE LILE.FARM — Use our IRON BANK located on THE ISLAND. (
La Luna
La Luna is our Moon, it is parted in hectares that can be owned through NFTs. These NFTs have the ability to earn revenue on The ISLAND and are non-replicated “NFT” Lands. Users have the ability to buy, sell and trade these NFT lands on LaLuna.Live
We will endavaor to bring you more updates while we’re #BUIDLING Other Essential components of THE ISLAND. Our goal is to make sure everything is connected to L´ile (ISLND) and works perfectly!
Check us on Telegram and Follow us on Twitter